Do You See What I See?

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by Carl Kruse

The truth is often difficult to uncover with even obvious events like the sun “rising” or the earth being flat are different than what seem to our senses. The sun does not rise and the Earth is round not flat, and it spins around itself and around the sun, which feels impossible. As we wend our way in the world let’s look at evidence, not only as we  interpret it but as others around us do as well. “Do you see what I see?” is probably the basis of science and of our expanding communal knowledge.

But how to interpret the evidence, facts, and if what other people are saying is true? And how do we know if our own interpretations are correct? After all there is a Flat Earth Society and people who apparently believe there was no holocaust.

Part of the process would seem to involve following the truth no matter where it leads. With honesty and determination. Down sometimes a wrong path or a dead end, only to turn around and look for the better road, always open to being corrected with better information.

It turns out that it’s actually easy to show that the Earth is not flat. As it is to show that the holocaust did happen.

But one must be open to the evidence. And of course want the truth.

Now, not all information out there is the same. Some of it is warped by others for their own purposes. Or maybe people are honestly wrong but don’t know better.

So where does our information come from? Who is behind it? What motives might they have? These are questions we constantly must wrestle with, especially in this age in which anyone is a publisher.

Some sources are better than others. And over time, some show themselves as better yet. No one source is likely to be 100% correct, but at the end, and over time, if we could all gather around the communal campfire and honestly ask ourselves, “do you see what I see?” and look around and check who has the better explanation of the facts we are likely to better find the truth.

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There is a reason there are no reported UFO abductions at Harvard. And there is a reason the story of creation of Adam and Eve is not taught in any university biology class as to the origin of human life. It’s because these stories are not likely to be true. But we only know this after time, and of honest, thoughtful people sharing their analysis and following the evidence wherever it leads.

And so we continue today with the issues in front of us. Is climate change real? Why did Russia invade Ukraine? Will an asteroid hit Earth and wipe out life, like apparently it did in the past to the dinosaurs? Are vaccines safe or dangerous?

Where does the evidence point to? What are the competing theories of information and who is behind them, and what
can we conclude in taking it all in as best as possible?

Some wild, alternative information has proven true in the past. But much of it is just wild and wacky. So just because it is alternative does not mean it is true. And just because there is a “normal” mainstream consensus does not mean it is false.

Ultimately, knowledge and the truth lead to advancement and progress, among other things. Perhaps even survival itself. Bad stuff happens when untruths are followed, and perhaps that is the ultimate test of our conclusions.

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Contact:  carl AT carlkruse DOT com
Other blog posts include Shojin Ryori, Mars One, Single Mums, and ChatGPT.
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Author: Carl Kruse

Human. Being.

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