Future Site Of the Carl Kruse Blog

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by Carl Kruse

In 2016 I was gifted the domain carlkruse.at and with it only a rough idea of what might come, well, less than a rough idea to be honest and it took a pandemic in 2020 for the first posts to appear.

Three other sites I nurtured on non-profits, arts and random miscellany absorbed my time and consigned the new site to mothballs.

All of these blogs are ongoing experiments with few/no commercial aspiration. Labors of fun, bric-a-brac, this and that. But like any craft not professionalized and honed they remained just that — this and that.


Carl Kruse
In the subway, the sprawl of graffiti, like old letters left by ghosts.


Fast forward to now and I have become entangled with blockchain technologies. Blockchain not Bitcoin. A little at first. Then more. Ever drawn to the promise of a better financial system, improving individual freedom, banking the unbanked and perhaps also unbanking the banked. I thought this blog waiting in the cold as it where, a good place to relegate these topics. But my guess is the blog becomes a repository of miscellany far from blockchains. Perhaps some technology musings? All of this done mostly for an audience of a few friends and an experiment in cyberspace.

My personal logo that I hoped to use for this blog was designed in the late 1990’s by an artist friend while I was living in La Paz, Bolivia, who took to a drawing program to sketch my initials, claiming it would be a great identifier. What is normally a laborious process took us — or better said, her — less than a minute, with 40 of those 60 seconds of me arguing that the logo put one’s mind to Calvin Klein.


Carl Kruse Logo
Carl Kruse logo


I did like how the letters “C” and “K” framed a dancer, fluid and agile, or perhaps the Chinese character for great — 大  Maybe a great dancer?

With letters sketched, colored in white on blue background, and no other color schemes considered the logo was born.

Why mention this? Because I wanted this logo for the blog, and after much wrangling I gave up. The initials failed aesthetically, proof you can relax about creation yet be finicky about appearance.

Anyway this is the original logo. You won’t see it again but I wanted to memorialize it somehow so here it is.

Thanks for being here.

You can always reach me at carl AT carlkruse DOT com or carl AT alumni DOT princeton DOT edu.

Send me a missive.


Carl Kruse

I am also on Tumblr.

Author: Carl Kruse

Human. Being.

11 thoughts on “Future Site Of the Carl Kruse Blog

    1. Oh hey, thanks for the kind words Manny. The logo didn’t fit graphically and after much tugging and pushing we called it quits and went with a simple “Carl Kruse” logo that is now on the blog’s header.

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